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What you'll get from Aikido

Discover the multifaceted benefits of Aikido right here in Thanet.


Beyond its reputation as a potent self-defence method, Aikido offers holistic health advantages akin to Yoga and breath work practices.

A Holistic Approach to Fitness: Our classes commence with a comprehensive body warm-up, known as Junbi-taiso. But calling it merely a 'warm-up' doesn't do justice. It's an invigorating blend of breath work, yoga-like stretching, and learning the art of break-falling. This unique combination not only conditions the body but also enhances overall mobility and fitness.

Centering the Mind and Body: Post warm-up, we ensure the body is agile and the mind is anchored in the centre (Hara/Dantian). This centeredness is pivotal as we transition to the paired practice of Aikido techniques.

Yin and Yang of Aikido: In our paired practice, participants adopt two roles: Tori (attacker) and Uke (receiver). These roles, reminiscent of the yin and yang, are integral to mastering Aikido's essence. With consistent practice, the distinctive Aiki way of movement becomes second nature, paving the way for advanced free-form practices like Jiyuwaza.

The Art of Breath Throw (Kokyunage): Our sessions culminate with Kokyunage, or the 'breath throw'. This intriguing Aikido aspect emphasizes that strength isn't about muscle bulk. Once mastered, this principle can be integrated into all techniques, offering a seamless blend of power and grace.

If you're in Thanet and seeking a blend of martial arts, yoga, and breath work, Aikido offers a unique and enriching experience. Join us and embark on a transformative journey.

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